289 research outputs found

    Stakeholders’ management approach in Italian ‘territorial’ companies Loccioni Group and the ‘Land of Values – LOV’ project

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    none1noWhat is the importance of sharing common values that originate from the entrepreneurs’ and companies’ embeddedness in a cohesive territorial socio-economic system? Departing from this research question and taking both a deductive and inductive perspective, the paper aims to propose reflections around three main topics: the entrepreneurial and familial origins of SMEs’ value systems, which are strictly connected to the historical, cultural, and social roots in their local territories; the influence of these values on the companies’ approaches to stakeholders management; and the development of stakeholders’ networks promoted by territorial companies, that share a mutual set of values. The case study (Loccioni Group) offers an example of good stakeholders’ management practice, which co-evolves with the environment, improving, at the same time, the company’s competitiveness and the socio-economic conditions of the local context in which it is deeply embedded.This paper was accepted for presentation at the 3rd BERGAMO-WHARTON JOINT CONFERENCE STAKEHOLDERS THEORY(IES): ETHICAL BASES, MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS, CONCEPTUAL LIMITS,University of Bergamo, Italy, 1st-2nd July 2010.partially_openMara, Del BaldoDEL BALDO, Mar

    Cultural Capital and Cultural Heritage Education in UNESCO Sites ‘The Right Way’: Insights in Challenging Times

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    This work introduces two case studies relative to the the projects of cultural heritage preservation and development implemented in two famous Italian UNESCO sites, aimed at raising both awareness and increasing the sharing of cultural heritage value. The cases point out the effectiveness of the approaches suggested by both the European Community, and UNESCO, based on the involvement of multiple stakeholders, including young generations, in initiating the preservation and socio-economic regeneration of historic cities of outstanding universal value and inspiring good practices and coherent behaviours among different city users.Questo lavoro presenta due casi studio relativi ai progetti di tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale realizzati in famosi siti UNESCO italiani, finalizzati ad accrescere sia la sensibilizzazione che la condivisione del valore del patrimonio culturale su cui costruire un percorso di rivitalizzazione e di rigenerazione socio-culturale ed economico del contesto locale. I casi sottolineano l'efficacia di approcci, suggeriti dalla ComunitĂ  Europea, dall’UNESCO e dall’agenda UN 2030, basati sul coinvolgimento di piĂč parti interessate, comprese le giovani generazioni, nell'innescare la conservazione e la rigenerazione socio-economica di cittĂ  storiche di valore universale e ispirano ispirare buone pratiche e comportamenti tra i diversi fruitori delle cittĂ  storiche

    Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Charisma: Which Are the Links with Business Models Sustainability?

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    Leadership ethics tend to emphasise the benefits of implementing ethical practices within organisations, focussing on the importance of a leader’s values and virtues and the positive effects of a leader’s behaviour on employees’ satisfaction, the organisational culture and stakeholders’ relationships. Drawing from this premise, the work addresses entrepreneurial and managerial leadership model, such as charismatic and virtues-based leadership, and its contribution in developing sustainability-oriented strategy. Using a methodological approach which merges the inductive and deductive perspective, a critical review of leadership approaches is followed by the empirical analysis based on a case study relative to a large Italian public company—Brunello Cucinelli Spa—driving attention to the effectiveness of sustainable business models which require managers and entrepreneurs to govern the internal and external complexity and actively contribute to both the sustainability of the company and the local and global environment

    The balanced scorecard logic in the management control and reporting of small business company networks: a case study

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    The purpose of this paper is to assess and integrate the application of the balance scorecard (BSC) logic into business networks identifying functions and use that such performance measuring tool may undertake for SME’s collaborative development. Thus, the paper analyses a successful case study regarding an Italian network of small companies, evaluating how the multidimensional perspective of BSC can support strategic and operational network management as well as communication of financial and extra financial performance to stakeholders. The study consists of a qualitative method, proposing the application of BSC model for business networks from international literature. Several meetings and interviews as well as triangulation with primary and secondary documents have been conducted. The case study allows to recognize how BSC network logic can play a fundamental role on defining network mission, supporting management control as well as measuring and reporting the intangible assets formation along the network development lifecycle. This is the first time application of a BSC integrated framework for business networks composed of SMEs. The case study demonstrates operational value of BSC for SME’s collaborative development and success

    Capitalism with a Purpose: Can Business Ethics Fight Inequality?

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    none2noAbstract: Economic crises - such as the Great Recession of 2008 or the 2020 crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic - have always represented an opportunity to address the relationship between macroeconomic variables and business and society’s reactions to them. Indeed, negative economic conjuncture, slump and stagnation, represent a challenge and may elicit the opportunity to rethink the role of business in tackling systemic global problems of the current system - such as persisting and raising inequalities and environmental unsustainability – by focusing on Business Ethics both as a theory and a practice. Accordingly, the present work aims at shedding light on the link between the systematic production of inequality within the current economic system and the opportunities for entrepreneurs and managers to significantly reduce it by engaging in business ethics practices. For this purpose, the theoretical framework proposed rests on a step “back” to the discussion of the relation between economic sphere and society, particularly when addressing the issue of value creation/extraction and a step “forward” in the discussion on the purpose of the enterprise and the social role of the entrepreneur. In doing so, three main issues will be addressed: VALUE CREATION - the role of the enterprise in value creation between capital and labour; RESPONSIBILITY - responsible vs irresponsible capitalism; SOCIAL ACTOR - the conception of the enterprise as a social rather than only and economic actor. Bridging perspectives coming from economics, business studies and economic sociology, this paper depicts a robust theoretical and conceptual framework to be used for further empirical research.The paper is the result of a common work and the contribution of each author for each paragraph is equal.all sections 50% attributable to each author Section Theoretical articles,DOI: https://doi.org/10.18662/po/12.1Sup1/278 p-ISSN: 2068-0236 e-ISSN: 2069-9387 ISSN-L: 2068-0236 Published 2021-04-29 Section Theoretical articles License Copyright (c) 2021 The Authors & LUMEN Publishing House This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.openFioravante R., Del Baldo,M.Fioravante, R.; Del, Bald

    Educating for Sustainability: Perspectives and Critical Notes on Accounting Scholars’ Role in Higher Education

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    Education for sustainable development represents a relevant issue that allows Universities to lead and respond to social needs towards a more sustainable life and a complete change in the global paradigm of education and involvement of society. A crucial point for developing a culturally sensitive vision is to deepen the scholars’ genuine commitment to sustainability. A pillar of sustainability education should rest on authenticity, intended as coherence between the scholars’ research and teaching arguments relative to sustainability and the concrete behaviors held in their professional and personal spheres of life. Starting from this premise, the papers aims to inquire if there is a decoupling between the concepts scholars contribute to promote within the sustainability discourse and the real practice of sustainability in their personal and professional experience. “Is there a missing link between what scholars teach and study, thereby contributing to sustainability research and their daily choices and style of life?” After having presented the research design and the methodological approach adopted to empirically investigate the phenomenon the attention has been focused on the social and environmental accounting research literature, where some contributions claim for the presence of “blue meanies” that invade the world of scholarship, reflection, collegiality and hinder the development of challenges toward sustainability. The preliminary results of the explorative study suggest that a lot of tension related to education for sustainability improve the transfer of sustainable values and attitudes within the scientific community and the students, while several factors hinder sustainable behaviors in the daily professional and personal life of scholars, thus undermining relationships which are a pillar of sustainability.JEL Codes - M41; I23; I2


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    The purpose of the work is to examine the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility policies, and Human Resource Management, particularly focusing on Corporate Family Responsibility. How do CSR practices impact on employees, their work, and their family life? How effective are these practices and how can they positively impact on the difficult “work-life balance”? With the aim to answer to these questions, the study combines the deductive and inductive approach. After presenting the theoretical framework, the second part of the paper analyzes the case of Elica Group, a large, multinational Italian family company that has been named one of the “best places to work” in the national and European contexts. The points of reflection that emerge from this study are centered on the factors that induce the company to adopt such policies, and the factors that impact their effectiveness. The results reveal that a robust ethical foundation on the parts of the company’s founder and of its management, as well as their commitment to sharing values and objectives with the entire organization, are keys to Elica’s success based on a holistic development (economic, social and environmental development)

    From weak to strong CSR: the experience of the EoC (Economy of Communion) industrial parks in Germany and Italy

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    none2noAbstract The aim of this paper is to point out some innovative dimensions of CSR (corporate social responsibility) which derive from an approach based on a charisma. This approach is applied to the economic life and in particular to the companies that are part of the Economy of Communion (EoC) project which involves more than 1,000 enterprises in the world. Specifically, we will analyse two industrial parks (or poles) of EoC companies, respectively based in German and in Italy, focusing the attention on their mission, governance and accountability models. We wonder if this category of network is important to shift from weak CSR to strong CSR and if the EoC parks play a significant role within the social and economic context. The reflections that derived from the study offer new interpretative perspectives for the understanding of the EoC project which attracts scholars belonging to different field of studies and research, and facilitates a fertile interdisciplinary exchange. However, social implications derive from the attention paid by EoC companies to create a society that is more civil, and to the fact that they are directly involved in combating poverty while in dialogue among different social, political stakeholders, in Germany and abroad. Zusammenfassung Das Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, einige innovative Dimensionen der Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) herauszuarbeiten, die sich aus einem Charisma-basierten Ansatz ergeben. Es geht um einen Ansatz, der bereits angewendet wird, insbesondere auf Unternehmen, die zur Economy of Communion (EoC) zĂ€hlen – einem Projekt, das weltweit mehr als 1,000 Unternehmenumfasst. Wir werden zwei Industriepole analysieren, die respektive in Deutschland und in Italien angesiedelt sind und dabei besonders die Unternehmensmission sowie Modelle fĂŒr Governance und Rechenschaftspflichten berĂŒcksichtigen. Im Beitrag werden wir Antworten auf zwei zentrale Fragen suchen: Zum einen, ob dieses Netzwerk fĂŒr eine Entwicklung von schwacher zu starker CSR relevant sein kann und zum anderen welche Rolle die EoC-Pole im sozialen und ökonomischen Kontext spielen können. Die Überlegungen, die aus der Studie abgeleitet werden, eröffnen neue Interpretationsperspektiven fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis von EoC-Projekten, die fĂŒr Forscher aus verschiedenen Wissenschaftsbereichen interessant sein und so ein Feld fĂŒr eine fruchtbare interdisziplinĂ€re Zusammenarbeit darstellen können. DarĂŒber hinaus lassen sich soziale Implikationen aus den Zielen von EoC-Unternehmen ableiten, da diese zum Aufbau einer zivileren Gesellschaft beitragen wollen, z. B. indem sie sich im Dialog mit unterschiedlichen sozialen und politischen KrĂ€ften fĂŒr die BekĂ€mpfung der die Armut in Deutschland und im Ausland engagieren.Published on line 26 October 2015This paper represents the work of a common research project. However, Baldarelli Maria Gabriella wrote sections 1, 3.2, 3.3, 4 and 6 while Del Baldo Mara wrote sections 2, 3, 3.1 and 5.Journal: uwf, UmweltWirstschaftssForum, n. SCHwERPunkttHEMA © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015. www.springer.com/home/SGWID=0-0-1003-0-. uwf ISSN ISSN: 0943-3481 (hard copy Version) ISSN: 1432-2293 (Electronic Version) DOI 10.1007/s00550-015-0364-5 Published on line 26th October 2015, pp. 1-14.partially_openMara, Del Baldo; Maria Gabriella, BaldarelliDEL BALDO, Mara; Maria Gabriella, Baldarell

    Le aziende “di territorio” fra teoria e prassi: verso lo “sviluppo integrale dell’azienda” e del contesto locale

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    Abstract Obiettivo. Il paper si propone di analizzare il concetto di “sviluppo integrale” delle aziende - inteso come crescita congiunta della dimensione competitiva, sociale e ambientale, che valorizza i fondamenti antropologici della cultura aziendale nel rapporto con il contesto territoriale - e il ruolo che le imprese “di territorio” giocano nel promuovere tale modello. Il lavoro sviluppa sul piano concettuale ed empirico i concetti di impresa di territorio, radicamento, coesione e capitale sociale e, nel sottolineare la circolarità del legame tra sviluppo integrale dell’azienda e del territorio, arricchisce con un nuovo schema interpretativo il filone degli studi che verte sul rapporto tra impresa e contesto locale. Metodologia. Il lavoro si snoda attraverso la duplice prospettiva deduttiva e induttiva. Quest’ultima ù incentrata sull’analisi qualitativa e sulla metodologia del multiple case studies applicata a due aziende italiane “di territorio” (Distillerie Varnelli Spa, Gruppo Loccioni) localizzate nelle Marche. Risultati. Dopo avere definito il framework teorico in cui si colloca la ricerca, l’analisi empirica consente di formulare proposizioni che sintetizzano gli attributi delle imprese “di territorio” e del modello dello sviluppo integrale di cui sono protagoniste e di identificare la bidirezionalità del legame tra sviluppo integrale dell’azienda e del territorio. Limiti della ricerca. Il principale limite dello studio risiede nell’ impossibilità di generalizzare i risultati emersi dall’analisi qualitativa condotta in questa prima fase esplorativa. La verifica delle proposizioni formulate richiede una seconda fase della ricerca, tesa ad esplicitare le variabili rilevanti del modello di sviluppo integrale delle aziende di territorio in altri casi aziendali appartenenti allo stesso e ad altri contesti territoriali. Implicazioni pratiche. Il lavoro contribuisce a sottolineare la centralità delle imprese radicate, protagoniste di percorsi di sviluppo reale basati su elementi soft di natura intangibile (capitale sociale, intellettuale, relazionale) sedimentati nel genius loci del territorio, e a diffondere la conoscenza delle “buone pratiche” promosse da imprese che rappresentano protagonisti importanti nella costruzione di modelli di governance sostenibile del territorio. Originalità. Coniugando la prospettiva della responsabilità, dell’etica aziendale con quella dello sviluppo locale, sul piano scientifico il lavoro offre spunti di riflessione riflessioni sul concetto di “imprese di territorio”, contribuendo ad arricchire il filone degli studi che verte sul rapporto tra imprenditorialità e sviluppo locale, regionale e nazionale. Objective. The paper aims at analysing the concept of “holistic development” of the firm - which in this context means the firm’s development as it is linked to its competitive, social, ethical and environmental dimensions - evaluating the anthropological dimension of business culture in its relationship with its territorial context in relation to the role that “territorial” businesses play in promoting such a model of local development. It does so by developing on both the conceptual and empirical levels the concepts of the “territorial” firm, of rootedness, holistic development, social capital and social cohesion. Methodology. The work pursues a double perspective: deductive and inductive. The latter is centered on a qualitative analysis of data, which were elicited through the methodology of multiple case studies related to two Italian “territorial businesses” (Distillerie Varnelli Spa, Gruppo Loccioni) located in the Marches region. Results. By defining the aforementioned theoretical framework the empirical analysis allows to formulate propositions that synthesize the attributes of “territorial businesses” and of the model of holistic development. The study consists of verifying the bi-directionality of the link between holistic development of the firm and of the territory. Limits of the research. The main limit of the study is due to the use of a qualitative approach which is related to a limited number of case studies. Therefore, in a future research development, a greater number of “territorial” firms - both from the same or other regions - should be examined in order to identify and verify the variables at the base of the model of holistic development. Practical implications. The work helps reinforce the understanding of the centrality of the role of businesses that are deeply rooted in their environment, protagonists of a real development based on “soft” and intangible elements (i.e. social, intellectual and relational capital). It also contributes to foster a greater understanding of the best practices of businesses that are seen as role models of sustainable territorial governance. Originality. The work links the perspective of business ethics with the theme of local development. On the scientific level the work addresses a new interpretative paradigm centered on the “territorial business” concept

    Contratto di rete e turismo: la collaborazione aziendale come driver della competitività del settore e del territorio. Un’analisi delle prime esperienze

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    This work deals with the theme of businesses networks in the tourist sector through the network contract (Italian Law. n. 33 of 9th April 2009 and subsequent modifications). Furthermore it develops several preliminary reflections that have emerged from an analysis of current literature and from empirical research on the role of the network contract in sustaining the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourist sector and at the same time in valorizing the territory. The paper is made up of two main parts. The first presents the theoretical framework focused on forms of inter-firm collaboration which include the network contract. The second part presents the results of the first exploratory investigation into network contracts drawn up in the tourist sector in February 2013 with the aim of identifying, on the basis of the objectives shared by companies, its potential in the tourist sphere and its possible impact on the social and economic fabric of local society. The initial results highlight that today the network contract is not yet widely used in the tourist sector, although recent signs of growth indicate a development in the future. The objectives followed through this tool of inter-firm collaboration are mainly geared towards marketing strategies, integration in the tourist industry, internationalization and promoting the territory which all open up new spaces for economic, social and environmental growth
